Bored? Check Out These Psychological Studies and Tests
Having taken Political Psychology, I've developed a new fondness for psychology and how it impacts our lives. Particularly, this is with regards to matters that are fairly intrinsic to how we operate.
Here is a collection of surveys, test, and articles that I've found particularly interesting about this topic :)
Tests and Surveys
Have you checked out what your Personal DNA is? I'm an Advocating Director which does actually seem pretty accurate. What are you? NOTE: This test takes a little while, but the results are really intriguing (including ways to change any given facet of your personality as you see fit).
Academic ones care of the BBC:
Memory training
Try to improve your recall using World memory champion Andi Bell's technique.
Explore your memory
Stretch your memory with fun challenges designed by experts.
Art and personality
Is there a connection between your personality type and the art that you like?
What sex is your brain?
Take the Sex ID test and find out more about 'brain sex' differences.
Do you see what I see? - Sagiv and Ward, UCL
Is Wednesday red? Take part in our experiment to test whether your senses overlap.
Do you hear what I hear? - Sagiv and Ward, UCL
Do melodies have a color? Take part in our experiment to test whether you hear colors.
The 'What am I like?' personality test
A test where you discover if you are a Big Thinker, an Idealist or another of 16 personality types.
Disgust - Dr Valerie Curtis
What makes you squirm and say "yuck"? Test your sensitivity to disgust.
Spot the fake smile - Prof Paul Ekman
Can you tell a real smile from a fake one?
Personality - Neil Scott
Who do you think you are? This psychology test scores you on five aspects of your personality.
Morals - Dr Keith Coaley
Are you a pillar of society, or do you look after number one? Find out how moral you are.
Lonely hearts - Prof Robin Dunbar
Make your lonely hearts advert to reveal the hidden message of attraction.
Careers - Neil Scott
What style of work suits your personality?
Self-control - Paul Rincon
Are you a slave to your habits? Test your self-control against the rest of the nation.
Perfectionism - Dr Randy Frost
Do your friends tell you you're fussy and meticulous? Find out if you're a perfectionist.
For those who use urinals, have you ever thought about how long it takes to urinate in relation to how personal space is violated? Check out this study.
Cognitive Dissonance is the tendency to deal with things that don't fit into our norm. For instance how we might be Catholic but support abortion. How do we deal with this? Find out more, here.
Isn't it a scary thought to think that if you decide to get with someone, or are with someone, you're probably going to end up looking like your partner? Hahaha, I think it's scary at least. Check out this study.
War technology is pretty complex nowadays, but what about Pigeon-Guided Missiles?
Are we programmed to laugh when tickled? I don't know what I think, because whenever I'm tickled I don't really laugh... it's more vocalized anger... but then again, I am slightly awkward :P
Fear and panic are really interesting matters, especially with regards to politics (remember 9/11?). Heheh, here are two studies that might strike a fancy.
Alien Invasion
Stop Staring at Me!
There are so many antidepressants out there, why not use semen as well?
Switching gears... the Agentic Shift is a pretty big deal in Political Psychology, coming out of Milgram's various experiments. It really helps reveal why Professor Zimbardo's experiment to emulate a prison setting, went so wrong.
...Awww, how I miss Political Psychology :P
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